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  • It's the dreamers that take dreams and become doers that make believers out of us all.

    August 25, 2019 2 min read

    It's the dreamers that take dreams and become doers that make believers out of us all. - Dojo Muscle

    Nothing comes to dreamers alone. It's the dreamers that take dreams and become doers that make believers out of us all.

    I'd say THE biggest hidden factor in successful people is the ability to focus intensely. Now sometimes that means for long wars of steady attrition and other times it means for short hard burst with big breaks.

    The book the One thing talks a lot about this. It says that balance itself is nonsense. It doesn't exist. Things instead go something like this - hard rocket-fueled off to the east high in the sky work ethic, switch directions and hard to the right and high relaxation. Which I have struggled in my own life to find balance.

    I don't think true balance exists. For even the slightest swing in either direction will tip the scale or the see-saw. Then the balance is standing still and steady.

    I've yet to find a person who is fully "balanced" - they swing wildly in all directions. That would include me.

    That is life, life is great, and we can plan and prepare as best as we can but life is in itself chaotic.

    Finding time to intensely focus on both work AND play - business and life, company and family in intense bouts is the closest thing I think many of us will get to balance.

    But I could totally be wrong as these are just my own musings.

    Focus means being able to fix your minds gaze on something and not letting it up under no conditions. Focus is NOT always easy to get into. There is a lot of procrastination around entering focus.

    Stephen Pressfield says - That is where the pro and the hobbyist go through different doors. The hobbyist goes to the rec center, the pro to the gym.

    The pro goes to work and sits and works, and writes even if it's babble on a page. The hobbyists waits for the perfect time.

    The pro - knows, that the focus and flow he seeks, comes in doing, if you sit and write long enough eventually your connection with your talents and knowledge open up, but only if you sit your butt in that chair and focus and do the work.

    Nothing comes to dreamers alone.

    It's the dreamers that take dreams and become doers that make believers out of us all.

    Christopher Perilli
    Christopher Perilli

    Christopher Perilli is the owner and CEO of Pixel Mobb. Pixel Mobb owns Dojo Muscle, Dojo Muscle Up™ and Pixel Mobb Academy. He's work with top of Fitness, Martial arts and World Renowned Music Artists. Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Wowmakers. Chris is an artist, writer, designer, producer and martial artist. Currently a Purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu (Dante Rivera Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) - has trained Boxing and Muay Thai. His goal is to help as many school owners spread the greatness of martial arts to as many people as possible, while making your school look the very best it can.

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