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  • Do you know if your marketing chain is broken?

    June 14, 2018 4 min read

    Do you know if your marketing chain is broken? - Dojo Muscle

    Do you know if your chain is broken?

    I was told an alarming statistic recently that more than 60% of Martial Art School owners have less than 100 students.


    I see this time and again.
    School owners hop from shiny thing to shiny thing. And never settle in.

    Imagine if their training was similar. Would anyone ever become a black belt?

    Most school owners tell students they have to be consistent. They have to commit. They have to do the work and show up a minimum of 3 classes to see progress. And to see progress it's going to take a lot of time to get you there.

    Yet when it comes to their own efforts on certain things they deem things "no value, doesn't work" Without even understanding that most of the times these things have little to do with the tools and mostly to do with the user.

    We have had people say print doesn't work, yet school across the globe get great results with them.

    We have had people say videos don't work when we have the data and stats they do very much.

    We also have had people say FB ads don't work, then obviously we know they do and people make millions daily from it.

    Would you say an armbar or a sidekick doesn't work? It only doesn't work when you are not doing it at the right time or not doing in the right situation.

    Yet I see so many martial art school owners give up in 2 seconds.
    They try a video or try an FB ad and go it didn't work.

    Well, I'd say back - YOU didn't work. You didn't do the due diligence the testing and the adjustments in your work to make it work. Nor did you give it time.

    Realistically if someone came into your school and told you they wanted to be a champion UFC fighter but don't know how to throw a jab what would you say?

    I think more martial art school owners need to do the actual work they tell their students and not throw their arms up so quickly to deem something unworthy without giving it's due.

    It's unrealistic and goes against all of the things you teach your students on a daily basis. It's very important to be a lead from the front type of leader. This is ground floor.

    If you are reading this and you are a school owner I gotta believe you are doing it because there is a purpose and a desire to help others grow.

    Our duty at Dojo Muscle and at Muscle Up™ is to give you the professional appeal that you SHOULD have.

    But the problem I've found after helping over 800 schools in the last few years is this:

    Most people focus on a chain LINK and not the whole chain.

    The whole chain is what gets you results. No one piece does that. Just like no one punch or move is the be all end all, it's about knowing how to get into position and knowing when or not to use it.

    Understand that buying a print piece and running it doesn't just get results by itself.

    Running a billboard, or doing IG and FB marketing doesn't get you results by itself.

    Getting someone to run your ads doesn't mean you are going to get results either.

    There is so much more to this to build trust. Studies show a person needs to have at least 7 points of contact with your marketing and business before they act or react to any one thing.

    And it's why so many people fail with their marketing efforts online.

    Being brutally frank most consultants in any given marketing only have a link or 2.

    Not too many have all of their chain rock solid and sound.

    Because it's not or never has been about any 1 thing.

    If you think like this you can never go wrong:

    Everything you use is a tool.

    So if a video is to get your more traffic.
    That is awesome and if it does get you more traffic then it works.


    What happens when they get to where you want them to be?
    Does the website convert? Does it make the case? Does the landing page copy garner attention? Have you gotten results at your website with other ads? If so what's different? How is the targeting? Who are you targeting?

    What about when they make an appt? Does someone call them immediately? Do they get a follow-up email, or see a follow up Thank you video?

    What about when someone calls, does your front desk speak friendly, do they answer the phone right away? Do they have a script to work off of?

    How about with your online marketing, are you saying the right things on your pages? Does the content you place make you look the very best that you can? Are they pixeled? Do you know what a pixel is? Are you selling one thing in your ad and something different on your page?

    It's a war zone out there.

    When you post on IG, FB, and YT are you giving good information or are you being self-centered and focused on yourself?

    All of these things and many many more things make up your chain.

    If one single link is broke. The whole chain fails.

    You need good content to get results with ads. It's not an ad, it's not just content, it's everything.

    It's the dirty smudges and ripped mats in your gym or the painted wall and the freshly cleaned bathrooms. It's the way someone answers the phone or neglects the person walking through the door.

    It's your website, how you handle yourself, how you handle others ON and OFF the mat.

    It's how you run your business, it's the way you brand yourself and it's everything in between.

    It's your reputation.

    If your chain is weak or broken you won't ever get the results you are looking for.

    When you take the time to build it right focus on everything don't throw your hands up and go "doesn't work after a 2-minute sparring session" and keep working at it, magic happens.

    If you want the tools to be able to connect and engage online and drive more leads to your landing pages and websites using videos. Check out the Muscle Up™ program designed to do just that.

    Christopher Perilli
    Christopher Perilli

    Christopher Perilli is the owner and CEO of Pixel Mobb. Pixel Mobb owns Dojo Muscle, Dojo Muscle Up™ and Pixel Mobb Academy. He's work with top of Fitness, Martial arts and World Renowned Music Artists. Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Wowmakers. Chris is an artist, writer, designer, producer and martial artist. Currently a Purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu (Dante Rivera Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) - has trained Boxing and Muay Thai. His goal is to help as many school owners spread the greatness of martial arts to as many people as possible, while making your school look the very best it can.

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