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  • Here's a Blueprint I Use to Make Videos

    November 14, 2017 1 min read

    Here's a Blueprint I Use to Make Videos - Dojo Muscle
    One of the problems in my own life I struggled with was my Jiu Jitsu training was not progressing the way I wanted it to. 

    I could have spent more time on the mat practicing but life was in the way a few times. 

    However I uncovered something that was bigger than just mat time. It was I wasn't comprehending the concepts of certain positions. 

    Because I didn't understand the concepts and I didn't train as often as I should of, I was stalled at bluebelt for about 4.5 years. A long time. 

    Once I started to apply myself and understand the concepts, I then started to learn a lot more, a lot faster. 

    This is just like creating videos. 

    In having a convo with someone on Facebook last night they said:
    "There is nothing new about showing some clips of classes and getting on video to talk about your program - been there done that" 

    To which I replied: "That's exactly what you should NOT be doing to get engagement".

    Unfortunately a lot of the information out there is from people who don't create videos.

    Worse sometimes it actually works which makes you more confused! 

    But just because you can hammer a nail with a rock doesn't mean that it's the easiest and most effective way to do it or the most sustainable (broken fingers!) 

    Let me show you a blueprint I use to make videos. 

    It's worked countless times for every sort of industry and it will work for you if you follow it to a T. 

    If you want to learn more click this link. http://mavideoblueprint.com
    Christopher Perilli
    Christopher Perilli

    Christopher Perilli is the owner and CEO of Pixel Mobb. Pixel Mobb owns Dojo Muscle, Dojo Muscle Up™ and Pixel Mobb Academy. He's work with top of Fitness, Martial arts and World Renowned Music Artists. Featured in Entrepreneur Magazine and Wowmakers. Chris is an artist, writer, designer, producer and martial artist. Currently a Purple belt in Gracie Jiu-jitsu (Dante Rivera Brazilian Jiu Jitsu) - has trained Boxing and Muay Thai. His goal is to help as many school owners spread the greatness of martial arts to as many people as possible, while making your school look the very best it can.

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